vendredi 10 avril 2015
Dan Bilzerian and a Giraffe
Ever wanted to play poker against Dan Bilzerian, Steve Aoki and a giraffe? Well, thanks to Dan Fleyshman, you've now got a chance to do just that.
Attractive Men Make You Take More Risks
If you're ever sat opposite a good looking man at the poker table the best thing you can do is fold according to researchers in Canada.
New Play Features Presidential Poker
More than one American president has been partial to the odd game of poker and a new play pits five of them in one high stakes game.
jeudi 9 avril 2015
Poker Central to Produce $500K buy-in Event
Fans of high stakes poker events now have a new event to look forward to thanks to a new poker TV channel called Poker Central.
PokerStars Wants Natural Born Players
Are you a natural poker player? While some people seem to have a natural affinity for the game, others need to work a little harder to achieve success at the poker table. However, regardless of how you acquire your skills, everyone has certain tendencies and PokerStars has designed a new game to show you what they are.
mercredi 8 avril 2015
Borgata Chip Faker Jailed
The now infamous Borgata chip counterfeiter, Christian Lusardi, has been sentenced to five years in prison and slapped with a $1.1 million fine, but not for his antics at the Borgata Winter Poker Open.
WPT500 Offers WSOP Alternative
The World Poker Tour (WPT) has just announced a follow up to last year's WPT500 Aria with an even more impressive event.
Get Ready for UKIPT Nottingham
In less than a week the ever popular UKIPT Nottingham event will get under way inside Dusk Till Dawn and this year the organisers are predicting big things.
GUKPT Student Championship Starts Today
Students from across the UK and beyond will be taking a break from their studies and heading to the G Casino in Coventry over the next few days for the 2015 Grosvenor UK Student Poker Championship.
mardi 7 avril 2015
UKSPC To Crown New Champ
“The main piece of advice I’d give is to stay patient” - these are the words of University of Plymouth student Mike Dorman, and newcomers to the Grosvenor UK Student Poker Championships could do a lot worse to listen to him?