Ilari Sahamies wins $200k at high stakes PLO

Ilari Sahamies wins $200k at high stakes PLO

Friday, 10 February 2012

Yesterday saw Isildur1’s rollercoaster continue as he locked up a six-figure win, primarily against Ilari “Ilari_FIN” Sahamies who dropped over $200,000 at the $100/$200 Omaha tables. However, he went on a tear to win it back from the same man.

Isildur1 and Sahamies continued their war into last night with another 1,000+ hand session. This was the polar opposite of their previous engagement with Sahamies winning almost $200,000, nearly clearing his deficit.

However, Isildur1 was not the biggest closer of the day – far from it, he wound up still in profit after an earlier demolition of Berndsen12, who wound up down around $210,000 on the day.

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Tags: Ilari Sahamies, Viktor Blom, Isildur1, online high stakes, PokerStars