Juuso Leppanen leading the way...

Juuso Leppanen leading the way...

Friday, 13 November 2009

The players are back after a short, ten minute break. 80 players are left meaning that the average stack is now at 16,250. With the blinds at 60 minute intervals and at the 200/400 level [50 antes], players are now progressing at a more relaxed pace without the pressure from the shorter blinds two levels back.

Juuso Leppanen, the current chip leader, is presently holding 47,000 chips. Juuso resides in Malta and is one of the many poker players who make part of the local igaming community. He is a well experienced player who often places fairly well in the various local poker events hosted on the Maltese Islands.

Through several active plays, and calculated moves, Juuso has managed to dominate several of his opponents without taking unnecessary risks in order to boost his chip stack. This strategy has been invaluable for his performance in this respectable €1500 event and his consitency is proving itself useful against his shorter stacked opponents.

With a little less than two thirds of the players left, the game is progressing at a steady pace. The action is expected to keep on going until the end of the 8th level at which point players will go home for their rest before continuing their battle for the top prize during their second tournament day taking place tomorrow, the 14th November at the Casino Di Venezia, Malta.

Tags: Poker News, Juuso, Leppanen, leading, the, way...