WSOP 2011 – Main Event Day 2a complete, Mozhnyakov leads

WSOP 2011 – Main Event Day 2a complete, Mozhnyakov leads

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The first of the Day 2s has been completed at the World Series of Poker Main Event with 2,031 players beginning the day and 991 surviving to meet up with the Day 2b survivors on Wednesday. Leading the way into Day 3 is Aleksandr Mozhnyakov, who has built up a stack of 478,600 – good for more than 300 big blinds when we resume on Day 3.

The superstar of Day 2a was Boston Celtics player Paul Pierce (that’s basketball, guys) who played surprisingly well for a celebrity player before losing out with a shortstack, running a pair of ducks into jacks and failing to hit his outs. Jason Alexander of Seinfield and Brad Garrett of Everybody Loves Raymond both made it through with chips, though.

The main story of Day 2a was that of Phil Hellmuth – he began Day 2a with just 11,800 in chips at the 300/600 blind level and failed to show up to his seat for over an hour. According to Twitter, Mike Matusow had security break into a sleeping Hellmuth’s room, who asked what was wrong before being informed: “Mr Hellmuth, you’re playing the World Series of Poker today!” The 11-time bracelet-winner still has a chance to make his twelfth this summer; he got on the grind to finish the day with 64,900 or more than fifty big blinds for Day 3 without being all-in once.

Other notable survivors include Daniel Negreanu, Shannon Shorr, Brad Booth, Darren Woods, Eli Elezra, Humberto Brenes, JP Kelly, Ted Forrest, Sorel Mizzi, Dennis Phillips, Ville Wahlbeck, Jason Mercier and Adam Junglen.

We estimate a field of approximately 2,000 players returning for Day 3 which means that we should hit the money bubble of 693 players on Day 4 or possibly Day 5. The lucky 693 will be guaranteed just under $20,000 for their efforts with the top 72 finishers taking home six figures.

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Tags: WSOP 2011 Main Event, Phil Hellmuth, Aleksandr Mozhnyakov