US Full Tilt Repayments a Step Closer

US Full Tilt Repayments a Step Closer

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Those with funds still tied up in Full Tilt, be it as a US player or as a ROW player with financial interests in US players, received some positive news yesterday.

Following last week’s announcement by the PPA’s John Pappas that the DOJ were far from making any final decisions on the repayment process, news has now emerged that a third party administrator should begin work in January.

The announcement was made on the US Attorney’s Office for Southern New York, and stated that:

“The United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is evaluating applicants for the position of Claims Administrator to handle petitions for remission for U.S. victims of the alleged fraud that Full Tilt Poker committed relating to player funds. The United States Attorney’s Office expects that the Claims Administrator will be selected and begin work in January 2013.”

Many in the poker community initially assumed that this was one of the main factors impeding the remission process; however, this now seems to be on its way to being solved.

While it may still take some time for players to finally get a hand on their bankrolls, the move is certainly a positive step for those who’ve had their enjoyment of the online game put on hold since Black Friday.

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Tags: Full Tilt Poker, DoJ, Black Friday