Boree is taken out.

Boree is taken out.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Boree loses half her stack when her KJ finds AA and the other half when her flush is beaten by the nuts.

EPT winner Liv Boree will have plenty of time to enjoy the delights of the Edinburgh festival after her stack was decimated in two hours. Liv re-raised what she thought was a steal from a moderate stack with KJ , only to discover too late that her opponent held aces. Ironically it was the same opponent , armed with her chips , that saw her demise. He limped from early position and showed a good deal of interest in a K44 flop with two hearts. Liv held the J9 of hearts , which she pushed all in with when the third heart arrived , only to discover a limped AQ of hearts. Liv was dissapointed but stoic in defeat , still finding time to have pictures taken with her many admirers at the event.

Tags: Poker News, Boree, is, taken, out.