Tom “durrrr” Dwan to appear in Rounders sequel opening scene

Tom “durrrr” Dwan to appear in Rounders sequel opening scene

Thursday, 23 December 2010

We can’t quite see Tom “durrrr” Dwan squaring off against Matt Damon in a seedy, underground (literally) New York poker club but according to an apparent inside source at Miramax, that is exactly what will happen. OK, not exactly.

A poster on the Two Plus Two forums identified themselves as a “Miramax talent co-ordinator authorised to disclose limited information”, whatever that means. Basically, they supposedly know stuff – the stuff they know is reportedly that Tom “durrrr” Dwan will be featured in an “intense opening scene”.

Another poster asked if durrrr does in fact take on the Teddy KGB role, though sans the dodgy Russian acting and stunning Malkovich thespianism, we’re sure. The Miramax man replied only that: “All I can say is that a misclick is involved.  A huge misclick.”

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Tags: Poker News, Tom, “durrrr”, Dwan, to, appear, in, Rounders, sequel, opening, scene