PokerStars appeal denied

PokerStars appeal denied

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A recent court ruling has seen PokerStars’ hopes of buying the struggling Atlantic Club Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City and subsequently entering the new intra-state online poker market in New Jersey dashed.

After initially signing a contract in December, the deal between the two parties broke down after the Atlantic Club Casino and Hotel claimed that PokerStars wouldn't be able to get a casino license in time.

Following the breakdown, PokerStars appealed the decision but a judge ruled in favour of the New Jersey casino following a brief hearing.

Not willing to let its chance at purchasing the property slip away, PokerStars went before the New Jersey appellate court a few days ago but was unsuccessful for a second time.

The news was made public earlier this week and so far there has been no comment from PokerStars on the matter.

Tags: PokerStars, Atlantic Club Casino and Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey