PokerStars Fights Cancer

PokerStars Fights Cancer

Thursday, 6 February 2014

The Rational Group, the company behind PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, has recently joined the fight against cancer by investing in an innovative research tool.

After learning of a new project designed to help researchers find a cure for the deadly illness, the Rational Group pledged money to the cause. According to a recent press by Cancer Research UK, the Rational Group recently invested in a revolutionary mobile game called Play to Cure: Genes in Space.

The app will allow researchers to compile and compute masses of data but in novel way: i.e. an entertaining computer game. Indeed, as more people play the game more numbers can be crunched and it’s hoped that instead of new discoveries taking years to happen, this game will uncover things in a matter of months.

Commenting on the project, Professor Carlos Caldas said: “Play to Cure: Genes in Space will help us find ways to diagnose and treat cancer more precisely – sooner.”

While the move by the Rational Group was no doubt a genuine pledge in the fight against cancer, it's certainly true to say that the donation won't do the company's reputation any harm in the eyes of the general public.

Take a look below.

Tags: PokerStars, Cancer Research