Poker playing London cops fired

Poker playing London cops fired

Monday, 19 November 2012

A group of work-shy cops has been sacked after an internal investigation by the Metropolitan Police found that they'd been playing poker rather than carrying out their duties.

The Neighbourhood Police Team in Bromley were also recorded playing backgammon, watching TV and even cleaning golf clubs while on duty.

"The disciplinary panel heard evidence that officers from the team had played backgammon and poker whilst on duty, watched TV in the office, frequently failed to go out on patrol, had not worked full tours of duty and also claimed overtime that had not been worked,” read a statement from the Metropolitan Police. "These activities appear to have taken place at the expense of policing duties, such as patrolling the local area."

A sergeant, constable, and Police Community Support officer were dismissed with another constable and three more PCSOs resigning.

Commander Allan Gibson, head of the Directorate of Professional Standards, said, "These officers let the whole of the service down with their behaviour; but more importantly they let down their local community. There is no place for lazy attitudes in the MPS and those who are found to be failing in their duties will be held to account."

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Tags: Police, London