Poker makes the national papers (but not for the right reasons)

Poker makes the national papers (but not for the right reasons)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Poker has become increasingly familiar in the mainstream media with regular columns on the game in many national newspapers. Stories about the perils of online poker are increasingly rare but one such example appeared in today's Daily Mail.

The story centres on Tony D'Silva who, with his wife Sally, had amassed a tidy sum of cash and started a new life in the south of France. Unfortunately, for the D'Silva's, Tony developed a serious obsession with online poker and donked off the best part of £1m playing the game.

D'Silva is now in a rehab clinic trying to get over his addictions while wife Sally's priority is 'to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.’

Somewhat surprisingly, the Mail doesn't go into a full “online poker is evil” frenzy, despite the severity of this case. The focus appears to be on the impact on the marriage rather than on poker itself.

The readers' comments section does though show just how ill informed many people still are about the game.

Read the full article by clicking here.

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Tags: Daily Mail