Pennsylvania Pushing Forward with iGaming

Pennsylvania Pushing Forward with iGaming

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Online poker in Pennsylvania will get another shot at legalisation in the coming week thanks to a fresh hearing on the subject by the Senate Community Economic & Recreational Development panel.

According to a post on the Pennsylvania State Senate website, a public hearing will take place on Wednesday June 10 at 9:00am to discuss "gaming, internet gaming and related issues "with regards to Senate Bill number 700".

Acting as the primary sponsor of the bill, which would amend Title 4, is Kim L. Ward who wants to ensure the state's casino community keeps pace with its competition and continues to offer job security for residents.

Among the issues to be discussed during the hearing will online gambling; specifically the introduction of provisions that would allow Pennsylvania's casinos to offer slot machines and online games.

"Existing Pennsylvania casinos that offer slot machine and table games would be eligible to offer Internet gaming to individual patrons that have registered and established an internet gaming account and are physically present in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania while playing online," read an official outline of the bill's intentions.

In recent months there has been a decided push towards online gaming in Pennsylvania. Indeed, in the last few days the Senate President Pro, Joe Scarnati, explained that regulation is necessary in order to keep up with neighbouring states, Delaware and New Jersey.

"Two of our neighbouring states, New Jersey and Delaware, have implemented online gaming, and I think that it's important that Pennsylvania keep up with what other states are doing in the gaming industry," said Scarnati.
Although Wednesday's hearing won't set anything in stone, it could be another positive marker for the state and its feelings towards iGaming.

Tags: USA, America, regulation, Pennsylvania