Patrik Antonius has “over $5m” at stake on Full Tilt Poker

Patrik Antonius has “over $5m” at stake on Full Tilt Poker

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Patrik Antonius, fresh from bubbling the final table of the World Series of Poker Europe Main Event and finishing in ninth place, has responded regarding his Full Tilt account balance and his stake in the future of the company. He claims that he will lose over $5,000,000 in the event of Full Tilt’s death.

To bring you up to speed, we reported a Patrik Antonius interview with PokerTube in which he said he would be “one of the biggest losers” if Full Tilt Poker went down without paying out players. Noah SD of Subject: Poker retorted that Antonius had “less than $100” in his Full Tilt Poker account.

“A lot of people owe me money,” Antonius said in an interview with PokerListings. “If Full Tilt goes completely down it’s going to be very difficult for them to pay.” He went on to add that one single player owes him $2.4m and their repayment is entirely dependent on Full Tilt Poker’s future. He confirmed his own account balance is under $100.

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Tags: Patrik Antonius, Full Tilt Poker, Noah SD