Macau big game moves to televised Aussie Millions table

Macau big game moves to televised Aussie Millions table

Monday, 24 January 2011

The crazy action in Macau that saw Tom “durrrr” Dwan win millions – and UK star Sam Trickett got a cool million quid out of it – has moved to Melbourne for the Aussie Millions where three Chinese businessmen have competed in the Million Dollar Cash Game.

The game is $500/$1,000 NL with a $100 ante and features Eli Elezra, Tom “durrrr” Dwan, Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius and John Juanda as well as Chinese business moguls Richard Yong, Wang Qiang and Paul Phua. So far Patrik Antonius and Tom Dwan are the big winners but that could all change in one hand.

The largest pot so far was shipped to Antonius, who took home the better part of half a million dollars in just one hand. He open raised and was 3-bet by Qiang before making a 4-bet to $25,500. He was called and saw a Th-8s-6h flop, betting a rack of chips and being raised before he could state an amount. Insta-calling the all-in, Antonius showed A-A and was way ahead of Kh-Jh.

Yes, this is a game where the live ones will call 4-bets from an early position raiser with K-J. Not to get all Hellmuth or anything. Needless to say, Antonius missed the hearts and running straight cards to scoop a $435,500 pot.

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Tags: Poker News, Macau, big, game, moves, to, televised, Aussie, Millions, table