Last call for tomorrow's Poker Academy

Last call for tomorrow's Poker Academy

Friday, 30 July 2010

If your tournament game is in need of a tune up then Bluff Europe has just the thing. The latest Poker Academy in association with takes place at London's Victoria Casino tomorrow and there are still a handful of places left.

The theme of the day is “Accumulating chips in tournaments” with Black Belt tutors Neil Channing and Nik Persaud and our very own Alex 'Pickleman' Rousso on hand to assess the merits of tight aggressive, loose aggressive and small ball styles. Participants will also be able to get the chance to put theory into practice in a special £50+£6 tournament with four free Skype lessons with a BlackBelt Poker pro added to the prize pool.

The full schedule is as follows:

13.00 Alex Introduction: three money making tournament styles
13.15 Alex The Tight-Aggressive style (TAG)
14.00 All TAG workshop - students practise their skills
14.45 break Short break with Sandwiches
15.00 Nik The Loose-Aggressive style (LAG)
15.45 All LAG workshop - students practise their skills
16.15 video Hands from TV tournaments showing the styles in action
16.45 break Short break
17.00 Neil The Smallball style
17.45 All Smallball workshop - students practise their skills
18.30 All Debate - the pros and cons of each style
19.00 Seminar ends
19.30 Optional entry into the Vic's £50+£6 tournament with last longer for Academy attendees

Tickets for the event are £150 and are available from

It could be the best poker investment you'll ever make.

Tags: Poker News, Last, call, for, tomorrow's, Poker, Academy