Ilari “Ziigmund” Sahamies’s misguided present to friend

Ilari “Ziigmund” Sahamies’s misguided present to friend

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

You are a high stakes online poker player with millions in the bank and a history of ridiculous bets and purchases; your friend is a national movie star who cares deeply about the environment and does not own a car – what do you buy for him?

If you are Finnish online legend Ilari “Ziigmund” Sahamies then you arrive at the conclusion – probably after four or five too many tequilas – that the best present for him is a 1995 Peugeot 406 with over two hundred thousand miles on the clock. That’s 200,000 plus polluting miles.

"He gave me a used Peugeot 405 with 248,000 km in the odometer," Jasper told Ilari’s official site,

"I've never owned a car in my life and I never will, so we decided to sell the car and use the money for some fun together.”

Every cloud...

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Tags: Poker News, Ilari, “Ziigmund”, Sahamies’s, misguided, present, to, friend