Headhunter Poker Debut a Day Away

Headhunter Poker Debut a Day Away

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

HeadHunter Poker’s hotly-anticipated debut event is just a day away.

The tournament will be held at Aspers Super Casino London and is the brainchild of semi-pros Dale ‘DezRaiseNFold’ Williams and Daniel ‘rivered9999’ Gray.

“We wanted to create a poker event based over a couple of days with the action being fast and relentless, with great prize pools and incentives to get the action going,” said the event organisers.

The buy-in is £5,000 of which £1k will be retained as a ‘scalp’ – so you earn a tidy thousand for every player you knock out.

Each player will start with 30,000 chips with blinds starting at 50/100 with a 60-minute clock.

The final table will be recorded for television.

For more information visit headhunterpoker.co.uk.

Tags: Headhunter Poker, Aspers