GUKPT Goliath Strides into Action

GUKPT Goliath Strides into Action

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The GUKPT’s Goliath event kicked off yesterday and by the time the registration book had been closed and each player’s £100+£20 had been counted the end-of-day total stood at 441 runners.

Of that figure 77 were re-entries, which means 364 unique entrants had graced the felt for Day 1A of the action packed event in Coventry.

Indeed, alongside the action at the felt a number of extracurricular activities took place yesterday, including continuous beer pong matches and a calzone eating competition.

While chipless players kept themselves amused by eating pizza and throwing around a ping pong ball, the likes of Ryan Barnes and Nathan Tudman were bagging up their huge stacks after a day of poker.

Although the official chip counts weren’t taken at the close of play, a quick scan of the room suggested that either Barnes or Tudman had enjoyed the most profitable days.

One stat that had been confirmed, however, was that only 54 players remained when the tournament clock was stopped.

Today’s second starting flight is will kick off later and is expected to attract at least 400 players intent on scooping the lion’s share of the £200,000 prizepool.

Tags: GUKPT Goliath, Nathan Tudman, Ryan Barnes