Eureka Poker Tour launched

Eureka Poker Tour launched

Thursday, 20 January 2011

PokerStars has extended its tournament circuit still further with the launch of the Eureka Poker Tour which will take in stops throughout central and eastern Europe.

The action gets under way in Prague from 16th-20th March with further stops scheduled for Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania with a grand final set for EPT Prague in December.

Prize pools for each €800 Main Event are expected to top €250,000 with fields of 400-500 players predicted. Each event will also feature a range of side tournaments in addition to the Main Event.

Online satellites to the first event in Prague are already up and running with a wide range of qualifying options, tailored to suit players of all bankrolls. Feeder satellites start from as little as €2.

The full tour schedule is as follows:

16th-20th Mar Czech Republic Prague € 800
11th-15th May Slovenia Nova Gorica € 800
22nd-26th Jun Bulgaria Golden Sands, Varna € 800
7th-11th Sept Croatia TBC € 800
Nov TBC Romania TBC TBC € 800

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December TBC Czech Republic (EPT) Prague €5300 TBC

Tags: Poker News, Eureka, Poker, Tour, launched