Elie on the Offensive

Elie on the Offensive

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Chad Elie, one of the payment processors for Full Tilt and PokerStars, may be facing a prison term in January following the DOJ’s Black Friday prosecutions, but it seems as though he doesn’t want to go down alone.

A surprise appearance on Twitter has lead to a wave of interest from the community as Elie has began taking shots at others implicated in online poker’s biggest scandal. One person Elie looks intent on bringing to justice is Howard Lederer.

Having attempted to paint a picture of innocence in his interviews with Matthew Parvis and 2+2’s podcast presenters, Howard been contradicted by multiple sources. However, Elie’s latest blow has lot more power than most.

Elie tweet

Beyond that Elie takes shots at other payment processors as well as promising to release emails and text messages concerning Full Tilt later this week.

As with all things on the internet the initial tweets were treated with a certain amount of suspicion but after multiple sources, including DiamondFlush and @AgentMarco, confirmed the validity of the account, things started to get interesting.

With more revelations promised over the coming weeks, as well as interviews with DiamondFlush and @AgentMarco, it seems though the lid could be further lifted on the real happenings behind the scenes at the old Full Tilt.

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Tags: Chad Elie, Black Friday, Howard Lederer, DiamondFlush