Sorel Mizzi is out and the funny story of David and Goliath

Sorel Mizzi is out and the funny story of David and Goliath

Friday, 19 March 2010

The Canadian PRO is out and we get the funny story promised before

The Canadian PRO Sorel Mizzi has just come where I am seated and told me he is out.

Me: Are you out?

Sorel: Yes... but received action!

Me: "smile"(he remembers me!! lol)

Sorel: A 2 outter... (one moment... is it a deja-vú? a bad beat story?)

Me: Sick..

Sorel: Standard... (ok... I am lucky... he is a pro and won't explain me the story)

I promised something before... and wouldn't let you go without the story!

"GerardX" (Golliath) drops on the hands of an Old School player we will call "David"

At the beginning of the level, Gerard had an stack on the order of 23k chips, and the "David" had 1400... Gerard doubled this man 4 times. Surreal, but that is part of the poker tournaments glamour.

We are now on the last 2 levels of the night with blinds 300-600 and just 159 players left.

Tags: Poker News, Sorel, Mizzi, is, out, and, the, funny, story, of, David, and, Goliath