Durrrr blogs about 2009 – one high-stakes year

Durrrr blogs about 2009 – one high-stakes year

Thursday, 11 February 2010

It’s been a long time coming, but finally Tom “durrrr” Dwan, the latest Team Full Tilt member, has updated his official blog. In it, he discusses some of the more mental high-stakes action in 2009.

Ironically, he claimed that he started the $1,000,000 Durrrr Challenge to spice up the action, because he “was worried that there wouldn’t be enough high stakes games going”.

He was proved wrong, not only by the well-documented rise and fall of Isildur1 – which he discussed in depth and will continue to discuss in his next blog – but by high stakes action throughout the year.

“At the start of the year there were a bunch of $500/$1k heads-up PLO games, and a decent amount of $500/$1k HA games,” he wrote. “Then as the WSOP approached, some of the highest stakes games to ever run went off in the Bellagio. These games happened for about two months, and it was pretty crazy. Initially a lot of players took shots when the game was around $500/$1k, and $1k/$2k PLO. However the game kept getting bigger and bigger, and eventually we were playing $3k/$6k PLO and $10k/$20k limit Triple Draw most days of the week.”

Read the full entry here. Durrrr is a Full Tilt Pro and you can watch him bet absurd amounts of money at Full Tilt Poker.

Tags: Poker News, Durrrr, blogs, about, 2009, , one, high-stakes, year