Bluff Europe Poker Academy returns next month

Bluff Europe Poker Academy returns next month

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Bluff Europe Poker Academy makes a very welcome return to London's Victoria Casino next month. Once again top pros from will be on hand this time dissecting the topic of “Poker Psychology: Tells and Tilt”

Neil Channing and Alex 'Pickleman' Rousso will be sharing their combined wisdom for the good of your game.

The full schedule is as follows:

1.00 Introduction: the importance of poker psychology
1.15 Tells - what to look for and what not to give away!
2.00 Tells workshop - students practise their poker game, concentrating on tells
2.45 break short break with Sandwiches
3.00 Tilt - how to master yourself and take advantage of others
3.45 Tilt exercises workshop
4.15 video spot the tilt - scrutinise various videos to see who's really tilting and why
4.45 break Short break
5.00 Scared money - what a pro knows about YOUR bankroll weaknesses
5.45 poker workshop general instruction with pros analysing your play
6.30 Bankroll management 101 - why the basics are so important
7.00 Seminar ends
7.45 Optional entry into Vic £50+£6 tournament with last longer for Academy attendees

As usual attendees will get the chance to put theory into practice in a special £50+£6 tournament with the winner getting a bonus prize of a seat at a future Poker Academy worth £150.

Bluff Europe is also delighted to announce two further mini Poker Academies at the Bluff@Mint Casino in South Kensington on Saturday 12th and Saturday 26th September. Each 90 minute workshop will be on Mastering Live Tournaments with live hand analysis with a pro and talks tailored to the group’s questions. A £5 tournament will follow. These Academies start at 2pm and are on offer at the bargain price of £25 if booked in advance. Tickets are available by visiting

These academies are a great opportunity to fine tune your game with some of the finest tutors around and could be the best poker investment you'll ever make.

Keep up to date with all the news from the poker world by following us on Twitter and Facebook.

Tags: Poker News, Bluff, Europe, Poker, Academy, returns, next, month