Blom Falls Back

Blom Falls Back

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Viktor “Isildur1” Blom suffered the first chink in his armour yesterday after dropping over $500,000 at the virtual felt.

Having scooped $1.3 million on Tuesday to take his 2013 total to over $4 million, it seems that negative variance finally caught up with him in the last 24 hours.

The loss will no doubt come as a blow to the Swede, but with so much momentum behind him recently the loss is more of a slip rather than a disastrous fall.

Ben “Sauce123” Sulsky was the player responsible for a large part of Blom’s loss, banking almost $400,000 in under 1,000 hands. Indeed, while he’s still in negative figures for the year, yesterday’s win has helped him move back to even.

The early high stakes action in 2013 has certainly been exciting thanks to Blom’s incredible run. Many of the game’s top players will now be looking to reclaim some of the money they’ve dropped over the past few days, which could mean that $500,000 swings become the norm over the next few weeks.

New players can join Isildur1 at the Full Tilt Poker tables with a 100% first deposit bonus of up to $600. Sign up here.

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Tags: Viktor Blom, Isildur1, Ben Sulsky, Sauce123