BLOG – MyPokerLab journalist challenge

BLOG – MyPokerLab journalist challenge

Friday, 1 October 2010

He’s not just an immensely talented writer with a harem of beautiful women from all corners of the globe; Matt Perry can also play poker. The first part might be a lie, by the way. Anyway, he’s taking on the journalist challenge. Ooh, exciting!

“Matt, fancy a job?”
“Maybe. Does it involve free money?”

The man whose prose you’re currently reading is undergoing a quest, readers. I, alongside several other esteemed poker writers, will be competing in the journalist challenge in association with MyPokerLab (you’ll have noticed their videos and articles if you scroll down on the homepage). Basically, we’re assigned a mentor and can book coaching/sweat sessions; the winner after 20,000 hands gets bragging rights, respect of peers and a little £1,000 package to a UKIPT event.

So, am I going to win? I’ll do my damn best. You might remember me talking about their idea of macro-game – i.e. the elements of your game that have nothing to do with pot odds or range balancing or 3-betting light; things like table selection and focus and not playing under sub-optimal conditions. I’m hoping that an experienced tutor will beat all that crap out of me and allow me to bring my A-game.

I’ve not played with any of the other fine fellows competing in the challenge so I don’t know if my A-game will be good enough and hell, at this early stage I don’t even know if profitability will be the deciding factor in a winner so I’m not sure what the optimal games to grind are.

But I would really like a £1,000 UKIPT package, a bit of extra dosh and props for winning the challenge. So I’m going to try – in fact, I might think up some sort of Ivey-style prop bet to motivate me further. Maybe something like 2-1 that I’ll win it – since I’m up against four other players you’ve got the better end of that deal, so I’ll really have to try.

Yeah, let me get my gambling cap on and I’ll come back with some side bets.

Tags: Poker News, BLOG, , MyPokerLab, journalist, challenge