BLOG - A Tale of Two Training Sites

BLOG - A Tale of Two Training Sites

Friday, 26 March 2010

It was the best of blogs, it was the worst of blogs; the most
hilarious of musings, the dullest of satire; a sophisticated Dickens
Parody, lots of lowbrow humour.

StoxPoker is merging with, or should I say into, CardRunners. Does
this come as a shock? Not really, though it's certainly big enough news.
Both sites are affiliated with Full Tilt Poker via Truly Free Poker
Training where you can grind yourself a monthly subscription to the
sites with FPPs. This means they are obviously closely linked.

StoxPoker still has a ton of awesome videos but it has recently lost
some key players. Mind coach Jared Tendler and - most notably - Dusty
"leatherass" Schmidt are both now at highly recommended site DragTheBar.
However this is a great piece of news for members of both CardRunners
and StoxPoker. The former boasts an arsenal of videos from Cole South
an Brian Townsend among others.

I've recently gotten back on the video training sites and they help
your game a ton. Some of the videos at DragTheBar and PokerVT have really got me thinking about my game and despite having little effect as I'm still underrolled and playing crap because of it, I love the videos.

Look out for a piece in your next Bluff Europe mag featuring
DragTheBar's very own Hunter Bick. As always, post your views on the
Bluff Europe forums.

Tags: Poker News, BLOG, -, A, Tale, of, Two, Training, Sites