Angry Online Gambler Launches MySpace Page to Fight New Act

Wednesday, 1 November 2006

A number of petitions about the US Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act have been launched – some official like that organised by the Poker Players Alliance, others less formal, many of them led by disgruntled poker players themselves.

A number of petitions about the US Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act have been launched – some official like that organised by the Poker Players Alliance, others less formal, many of them led by disgruntled poker players themselves. But one man, Jim Nickogoski from Pennsylvania, has taken things a step further, tapping into the social networking opportunities presented by to spread his message.
Nickogoski has set up a page on MySpace titled the “Angry Online Gambler” which includes a link to a petition against the new Act.
Nickogoski, who by day runs his own handyman business, said that he started the page and petition because he felt the American government shouldn’t have the right to dictate what is best for him. “I say it is my right as an American to make that decision,” he said “and if the government disagrees with me, I will vote for someone who does agree with me.”
Besides the petition, the site also offers a place for likeminded gamblers to leave comments, venting their frustration with the online gambling ban. Amongst the pros who have already signed up to the page as a “friend” are Doyle and Todd Brunson, Men Nguyen and Vanessa Rousso.

Tags: Poker News, Angry, Online, Gambler, Launches, MySpace, Page, to, Fight, New, Act