.Poker Domains Go Live this Week

.Poker Domains Go Live this Week

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The way in which you access your favourite poker portals online could be changing in the coming weeks thanks to the pending release of the new ".poker" URL extension.

Announced a few months ago, the new industry specific web address initially went through a series of private auctions, but it will now be open to the general public through 70 domain registrars. Although the new extension won't whisk people off to some new uncharted land, it will give poker companies and fans a chance to have a more branded URL than before.

Much like other industries, such as .green, .vegas and .irish, poker companies will now be able to add .poker to their names and run the address alongside the standard .com/ .co.uk extensions.

So far the early round of registrations has seen a variety of gaming operators take control of their brand name, including: PokerStars.poker, FullTilt.poker and Bellagio.poker. Also registered before the name went onto the open market were: Bluff.poker, Watch.poker and Live.poker.

Anyone interested in purchasing their own .poker web address can visit Afilias and go through one of the official registrars and pay between $40 and $50 for the privilege.

Tags: .poker, domains, technology